Thursday, March 5, 2020

5 Ways to Tailor Your Workspace for Success - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / 5 Ways to Tailor Your Workspace for Success - Introvert Whisperer 5 Ways to Tailor Your Workspace for Success Introverts in the workplace can feel like a fish out of water. American workplaces are often filled with commotion, talking, and a general acceptance of outspokenness that can drain even the most well-adjusted introverts. You might even start to feel that your personal workspace isn’t giving you what’s required to balance your needs with the interpersonal connectedness required by your job. Struggling to be introverted in an extroverted work environment isn’t fun. So, before you do something that makes someone feel you are antisocial or shy, try a few of these strategies to create a workspace that fosters creativity, boosts productivity, and delivers a necessary element of quiet. Create Your Own Privacy Many open office plans have low cubicle walls or wide openings that can allow others to pop into your space without any notice. Try creating a sense of privacy without being too obvious. Build a shelter with a freestanding bookshelf or large potted plants. You can also mount a coat hanger to one side of your cubicle to create a makeshift curtain by merely hanging your jacket up every morning. If there isn’t any way to build your own privacy, talk to your supervisor to see if a move could be set in motion. Relocating to a cubicle that’s up against a wall can give you some security at least on one side. This might be just enough to provide you with a sense of privacy so that you can concentrate and work a bit more like yourself. Enjoy Lunch at Your Desk Introverts need their lunch break to recharge and restore balance. Instead of dodging others in the breakroom, consider eating alone at your desk. While some people think that a table for one sounds awful, one research study found that the types and amounts of food you eat are influenced by who is around you at mealtimes. So, eating alone might be better for your soul and your waistline. To get the most out of your time noshing at your desk, consider doing weekly meal prep or subscribing to a meal delivery service. Meal services send you the foods you need to prepare healthy meals at home. Many of these services offer options for special diets, such as low carb, gluten-free, or heart healthy. You should also pack healthy snacks like fruits and veggies in small jars. Keep them on your desk so that you can grab them quickly. These options give you more control over what you’re putting in your body than running through the line at a fast food restaurant or eating from the vending machine. Increase Workplace Wellness You want to keep your introverted creative juices flowing and your brain power fully intact throughout the day. This means you need to make sure your physical health is just as cared for as your personality type. Along with creating physical and symbolic barriers, try to set up your workspace in a way that promotes health. Be sure to take a few breaks throughout the day to get up and move. Consider apps like Stand Up! or Awareness to be sure you get enough activity and rest from the computer throughout your day. Too much sitting can be tough on your back and bottom, but staring at a computer for eight-plus hours each day can leave you with digital eye strain. Your posture is essential for workplace wellness, too. Sit up straight and ensure that you’re not holding too much tension in your neck or shoulders. Add in Some Comfort The sterile look of a cubicle can leave just about anyone lacking creativity. To help bring bits of home to the office with you, add a few pictures of your favorite people or pets to your desk. If a particular scent calms you, try adding an oil diffuser or candle to your workspace. Another excellent idea is to keep a roller ball dispenser of your favorite calming essential oils handy and place them on your wrists or temples throughout your day. Music can offer a fantastic escape for introverts. Pop in a set of earbuds or wear headphones to buffer out the commotion of the office. Have fun with your playlist and choose songs all introverts should have â€" some of which even tackle the subject of being introverted. Try Flexible Work Space and Hours If you really struggle to find balance in your workspace, consider changing your hours, if possible. Coming in an hour earlier or staying an hour later than co-workers might be enough of a buffer to keep you productive. You can also practice an hour of power to kickstart your day and get moving in the right direction. Consider reserving community space, like a conference room, when you know you have looming deadlines. Book a place for an hour and take work with you that you can do without your desktop, or travel light and bring your laptop and a notebook. Introverts aren’t necessarily shy or antisocial. However, they can suffer from being over-stimulated in a world that seems to cater to their extroverted counterparts. Try these strategies to find the balance you need in your workspace. Author Bio:   Sam Bowman is freelance writer and introvert who enjoys getting to utilize the internet for community without actually having to leave his house. In his spare time he likes running, reading, and combining the two in a run to his local bookstore. Go to top Power-Influence-Office Politics: it comes down to your Strategic Relationships and understanding of how you build each one of these elements. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that outlines all of this and meaningful actions you can take today!  Start watching now by clicking here! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

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